Things got pretty interesting today during lunch.
Was sitting at the big joined table. Jun Wen was saying that some random guy added her on facebook and started trying to "get to know her". And then after a while, Siet Yen was talking about web-camming with her dad's worker.
And then a few got surprised and whatnot and then Ding made jokes about it saying she was special. It was funny until Siet Yen got very mad and threw her cup of milo at Ding, and then everyone in the canteen stared because the cup landed on the floor with a thud.
Hahahaha. And then Ding accidentially hit Evon while trying to clean himself up, and he left a milo mark on Evon's shirt and Evon got annoyed. And then Jin Fye got annoyed because he doesn't like Evon getting mad at him and then he scolded Ding in class.
But it was OK after that. :D
When people had chinese exam we were pretty free. Played the electric current game. Quite fun but get sweaty hands. And poor thing if you get someone who regularly picks his pimple/ is a bit unhygienic.
Speaking of unhygenic, I saw Kwok Shien picking his nose. He was sitting far, but right at the opposite of me. How dare he pick his nose! Well as I said, I have a penchant for noticing disgusting shits. My eyes will rove over you to detect any peculiarities.
Then afterward there was dancing. Mei Yen was the one who taught the moves, to Vincent and Weng Hock. The "Are you ready?" dance. And then halfway she laughed. And the people laughed really hard because of the way her throat move or something like that. "Iguana", Shao Yang said.
Now I shall go run the dogs.
Tata! ;D
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