Well, I am happy to say that we all made it back from our ski weekend in one piece. Not a broken bone or bruise to be had on any of us! My kids have definitely taken to the sport of skiing! Both of them were in Ski school for 2 days which allowed them to get some lessons and brush up on their skills while it gave mom and dad some much needed ski or down time. Yes I did ski, I am a very athletic person and the idea of me sitting at the house while everyone was having fun was not my idea of fun. I was careful and I must say I enjoyed myself....well except for the sicking in I had to do to get my ski pants on but still it wasn't so bad.
It turns out that Lauren is our speed demond and loved going as fast as she could downt he hill, yes she fell ....a lot! but she didn't seem to mind she was all smiles and not very happy that we had to leave. Jackson was my controld skier he never let himself get out of control or go to fast, my kind of kid!
Below are some pictures from our weekend, we went with 2 other families in our neighborhood and we had a blast! 

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