10K, I was well on my way to bigger and better races.
I am super excited about being a mom again, but I must admit I am a little down about giving up my intense work outs. Before you scroll to the bottom and hit the comment button and tell me I can still work out....I know that!!! See the thing is my heart rate before I was pregnant was higher then normal. I had my doctor check it out and all was fine I am just one of those folks whose heart rate takes off when they work out. So when I became pregnant I knew that my works outs would be drastically reduced since baby can't handle a heart rate above 145. Sadly that is a fast walk jog for me, I have been able to jog a bit on the treadmill but I totally have lost my ability to run outside per Dr's. orders.
So I am a bit melancholy, I still work out though only twice a week compared to my 4 or more time a week. I miss pounding the payment and working up a good sweat and I am shocked to admit I can't wait to get back into it. So I have set a goal for myself, one that may be a little difficult but I think I can do it.
I signed up for the Disney World Half Marathon January 9th 2010! For those of you doing the math that is 4 months after baby #3's birth! See it could be me posing for this picture in 2010!!

I have a plan, hopefully baby #3 cooperates! I have had easy births with #1 and #2, day 2 home from the hospital with #2 I mowed the yard while Dan watched #2 because I "needed" to get out of the house. So my plan is to start working out 2 weeks after baby. I will work my way up to the Marine Corps 10K then run the Jingle Bell 10K in Dec and be ready for the Disney half Marathon in Jan. Anyone want to join me? There are still spots left!!!
Go ahead now you can comment and tell me how crazy I am!
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