dinner was lovely. the food was delicious, but what i savored most of all was the surreal feeling of being in a real restaurant in paris with marlon.
(real as opposed to, say, meals at hosts' houses or embassies or parish halls or out of plastic bags, which is where i had meals in all of my paris trips with the glee club. i actually told marlon prior to the trip that i couldn't imagine how on earth we would eat in paris, simply because i couldn't fathom the idea of eating in an actual restaurant.)

"if i give you something now, will you be too sleepy to appreciate it?"
kabog. kabog. kabog.
is. this. it?
"er," i mumbled, as my heart thudded as fast as fatigue could let it. "it depends. what is it?"
"i picked up some trinkets for you around paris," he replied.
"oh, okay," i said, wildly relieved. he couldn't possibly have bought me the ring in paris. that would be ridiculous. babatukan ko siya kung ganun. ang mahal kaya.
and he reached into his bag? pocket? and presented me with this:

"it's lovely!" i sighed, turning it around and around in my hands. i was so afraid to open it, that i kept on turning it over in my hands, running my fingertips over it, and trying to pretend that it wasn't something that could be opened.
and then he said it, and i knew.
"open it." so i did.

"will you...?" he said.
"of course," i replied.
then he came over to my side of the table to hug me and kiss me and put the ring on my finger.

he told me how far in advance he had planned everything, how he had changed some of his plans to go with the perfect moment the restaurant had serendipitously provided, how his entire office had cheered him on before he left for paris on friday, how meticulously he had worked with a jeweler for the custom-made ring (he selected the stones himself), how he had carried it around his neck the entire day, and how he had traipsed around paris in search of the perfect box.
dessert was a happy, candlelit blur, punctuated by flashes of light from our cameras, bouncing off the silver and crystal on the table. walking back to the hotel, close to midnight, we stopped by a small square with a stone fountain.

i still look at the ring sometimes (often, actually) now that i'm on my own -- marlon has gone back to singapore and i've gone back to being a choir girl on tour, and i think about those things. people ooh and aah over the ring (even strangers i meet at festivals and competitions), and i supposedly have an "engaged glow" about me now -- but what lies ahead shines even brighter.
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