Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Make up Post

Nope, its not going to be a post that teach you how to make up. ha ha. I am not that professional. But its a post about make up. I saw some people commenting about make up being fake, how different a person is without make up, make up=mask, faker etc. And I decided to do a post to speak up about people who make up.

Yes, I do looked different with and without makeup. But if I looked the same, why do I even bother to make up? -.- That's the purpose right, to look prettier :)

To me, make up is a confidence booster. (:
I don't have a perfect skin complexion so I depend on make up to give me a even tone & to cover up my pimple(s) & scars. I do like the comfortable feeling without make up but I will rather feel pretty than comfortable. Its my face.. my decision. Unless you are the lucky ones, who has a better complexion or/and have high dose of confidence. Lucky you :)

Those who wore make-up are fakers? Wearing mask?
Then I will dare those people, who think that way, not to put any makeup during their wedding or any special occasion(s). Don't need to look your best, Be true to yourself and others.
And those who wore make-up will never bluff others that they are not wearing any make up.. cos its obvious that they are. So what is so fake about doing make up?

Make ups do make wonder, don't you agree?
Some rely on it for their double eyelids. Some rely on them for their prettier eyes. Some rely on them for a better skin complex(like me!) & many more!!!

Natural beauty, yes.
But prettier you & me, why not? :)

Disclaimer: This post is not directed to anyone in particular. But if you have a strong objection/opinion about people who make up, then read this.

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