Monday, November 8, 2010

The days spent with her (:

Went to have lunch with Manda after her paper on my first day of annual leave! (1st Nov) :)
Curry cheese don and curry cheese ramen... but its quite disappointing:(
On the 6th Nov:)
She had her 21st party~

Photos shall do the talking... (:

yummy cupcakesss ^^
prcs-rians :)
and Yantho was asking for "N" for Nurdiyantho, hahaha. But too bad cos Norin is faster!:D I gave him a "Y" for Yantho though!

Happy 2nd Anniversary to both of you~~ <33
Another Monday with Manda!!
Before that I need to head back to SGH to sign my claim form, if not $200 flies away! Not worth, lesson learnt: Always sign the claim form before going for annual leave!!
Today we went over to North area to wait for Mr Tony Tan to end work for dinner~
No suki sushi buffet. We had a more budget but very nice western :D

And talk talk and walk walk.
DIY my nails, going to do eye mask :)
Pamper myself for this week.... and back to work!
Congrats girl!!! you finally finished your paper so now can prepared to go Genting lo~!!!

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