Monday, November 8, 2010
Almost there
I thought I had a nap but I ended up sleeping for real. I also forgot to turn off the alarm, so here I am, blogging on a Tuesday morning. :)
Went to school yesterday. Dad asked me if I was going to school. I was like, oh wait, there's a choice?! But it was okay. Four people in the class! 11 came, but some visit other classes. Went to watch movie afterwards. But nobody really payed attention, can't hear the movie!
Theng Loo brought newspaper. Looking for part-time! I want also! And then some of them who went to work camwhored a lot and put it up on fb. They looked like they own the shop! Hahaha. I WANT TAILORING APPRENTICESHIP.
Saville Row company would be my dream, because Alexander McQueen apprenticed under them. But not for now, it's thousands of miles away. Googled online, found one from YWCA, but only for DISADVANTAGED YOUNG WOMEN. WHAT LA!
The spray painted dress: (McQueen)
Victoria's Secret:
Cute convo on facebook. Facebook is great for sharing photos. Otherwise, who would be so diligent to take photos everywhere!
A lot of birthdays coming up! 5 people at least in the next 2 weeks. Why? Do people get a bit more frisky during February?! OH YEAH. ONLY 2 MORE WEEKS UNTIL HOLIDAY. How did the year pass by so quickly?!
Got some parties. Parties are fun. But sometimes you have to give to take, it's a little like give when you solve transport problems bla blab bla and take when you have fun. Whereas if you'd like to stay bored you don't give nor take, but as time goes longer being idle just gets more and more excrutiating.
Kay. That's all. ;0
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