well of course, now i have to use foundation to cover my flaws. =\
i realise almost like 80% in my life i ponder over my face. I put loads of make up, wear de prettiest clothes (so ppl will look at clothes not face), try to make myself as pretty as possible. all for wat? for my self esteem. tis is my greatest weakness. at times i can even get so sucidal jus tinkin of it... lol... pathetic i know.
de worse thing is.... it's not enough. i still tink i'm damn ugly! actually come to tink of it YAR ITS TRUE. i can literally at least more den 10 flaws i have on me. fml. i wan natural beauty. where u just wake up in de mornin and still look beautiful wif messy hair, no make up etc.
i know somehow i've been poisoned by this sterotypical society but if u dun do anythin, u'll just be de outcast. it's a fact. I'm not books-smart too. at times i wish i cld have de brains like Mizu or Natsu. They know thier stuffs and speak so darn well. oh envy~ i too wanna go poly or university BUT I'M JUST BRAIN STUPID. really! lol, well since i'm really stupid by nature, at least i still have my "looks". rather stupid&pretty den stupid&ugly. right?
i oso can confidently say tis: Image plays a damn big part. (unless u tok smart) nobody give two shits bout inner beauty anymore.

btw somethin funny i found when we were in secondary. during chalet. EPIC!! oh myyy XD

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