
Monday, April 5, 2010

PS, PMS and visiting graves

For Sunday I had to go back to Pahang, my dad's hometown to visit the cemetery for Cheng-Ming. My grandfather, my grandmother's brother, my great-grandmother and great-grandfather and my eldest uncle are buried there.

You know I think it would be cool if there was like a backyard family plot. I always imagine haunted castles with a family plot which contains all the dead bodies in the family. Pretty cool!

I did work this year. Took the shovel to shovel out weeds ontop of the grave. Swept. Saw caterpillars, spiders, snails and lizards along the way.

Ok, let me introduce you to what Chinese do on Cheng-Ming. My family are buried, not cremated, so there's much more to do. Mostly it's cleaning the grave and giving offerings in the form of food, incense and papers.
At the end before leaving, the sons/daughters use two coins and ask if the departed is there, and that if he is, give the coins two hits.

Today I had public speaking, second time. And got second place. Lol. My speech was supposed to be longer but I cut it short because I didn't want to be on the stage for long. Showed the picture of anal electrocution. Glad that it is done and over. And now I have experienced public speaking. Public-speaking is nerve-wrecking but it's an invaluable skill(if you have it, I don't)!

Was along other things, tired, sleepy and hungry. Still PMS-ing? GEE. And for the record, PMS stands for Premenstrual syndrome. Includes cravings and mood swings. And don't you girls just hate it when you get irritated and a guy comes up and say, "Oi, what's up with you, having period is it?" Hey boy, you came out because of our periods and you will darn well bear with it!

Anyways, during this time the girl will be extremely irritatable and guys should be understanding, although they probably won't understand what's wrong with the girl. Don't worry, it will go away. If it doesn't it probably means the girl has depression instead.

Ate a bunch of stuff. I hate it. When I want to eat a certain food but I don't get it so I gorge on other food to compensate. I WANT SUSHI!!!! URGHHHHHHHHHH!

And it's 8.30, dinner's not ready. >:O


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