Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Cherry Blossom 10 Miler

Sunday I ran in the Credit Union Cherry Blossom 10 Miler, pretty awesome for a couple of reasons one I am a Board member of my Credit Union and this was the first race I ever ran in back in 2006. Granted I only did the 5k run/walk but still it was my first. This was also the first long race I have had since the Disney Half Marathon and I was nervous coming into this race. I have been plagued by shin splints and recently when I run more than 3 to 4 miles, my right foot goes numb. It is quite the interesting feeling to run when you can't feel your foot. Also, I have never run this distance alone in a race so it was a little intimidating. I finished with a decent time and was on course to beat my Disney time which is my goal for my next half.

The kids also took part in the fun! Lauren and Jackson ran in their first ever 1k kids fun run which took place about 30 minutes after the start of my race. Sadly, I didn't get to see them run but Dan was able to snap some good pictures. It was entertaining to see the kids when I finished with their medals and me with mine. We of course took a picture don't we look like the sporty running family?

Above The kids and I after our race. 
The kids running theirs Jackson was going so fast both feet were off the ground!

My next race is the Marine Corps Historic Half Marathon on May 16th, I will again be running alone, but this time I think I will be a little less intimidated and I will do my best o just enjoy the race. I am hoping for good weather like we had on Sunday. It was just cool enough at the start and warmed up to a doable temp for the finish.

If anyone reading the blog is running this race let me know would love to meet you!

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