Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Are you for real????
So last night I open up my daughter's book bag to look at her "Tuesday Folder" this is the schools way of communicating to us the happenings of our elementary school. Much to my surprise there is a Progress report in this folder for my daughter. I say much to my surprise because in November when we meet with he teacher for a parent conference there was no mention of a progress report that would be coming home. I as did my husband generally assumed that we would not see an officially report card till 1st grade, silly me! Anyway I see the envelope and think well I am sure this is going to be good Lauren always gets glowing reports whenever I happen to run into her teachers (teacher and an aide) so I go about my business reading the fliers about Silent Auctions, International day and Book Fairs, as well as helping both my kids with their Kumon's work.
I finally get them settled and in bed so I decided to go read Lauren's progress report. First let me say the damn thing should come with instructions it took me like 2 to 3 times of reading it through to figure out what they were trying to tell me. BTW I think I am a pretty bright person I usually get things the first time you tell me. So now that I have the hang of reading this thing I start to feel my head shaking from side to side. Are they evaluating my child or someone else? I give it to my husband to read because at this point I think clearly I am not interpreting this right. He too scratches his head asking is this for Lauren?? Thanks goodness, I think..... I was starting to feel like a complete moron.
We do Lauren's homework with her every night and we also do her Kumon's work which is basically enrichment classes to build on what she is doing day to day at school. We take every chance we get to teach a concept to not only her but her brother also, and in my eyes and the eyes of many other moms and dads that know Lauren she is considered to be a pretty sharp cookie! However according to this report she is barely getting by. WTF ????? Sorry, I am venting I know !!!
So I have emailed the teacher asking for a conference to help me understand where the disconnect is. How do you get reports that she is doing great to she is getting by??? I will let you know what comes of the conference once we have it. I welcome the thoughts of my readers if they have had this type of situation before, because right now I am truly baffled!
UPDATE: I have a conference next tuesday at 8:15am
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