lol!! hahaa found tis. i guess they are bored at work XD
who wanna dance de real dance! i'm serious! XD Suki's in? woooo Mizu? XD banana? oh yea Mizu rmb ur eoy song, let's do dat too!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
chocolate beancurd. i tink dark choco lovers wld love it cuz i prefer sweet stuff. shld have taken strawberry flavour. cuz it's in pink! XD me feeds neko~~

LOL. navy sent me slippers and sunscreen. XD free~~ :X:X and ya.... before i went off for my job interviews. (ya i look stress, cuz i am!) not sure if i'll get de nurse job cuz de pay's kinda low. depend on Mizu! LOL. :X:X

LOL. navy sent me slippers and sunscreen. XD free~~ :X:X and ya.... before i went off for my job interviews. (ya i look stress, cuz i am!) not sure if i'll get de nurse job cuz de pay's kinda low. depend on Mizu! LOL. :X:X
nx went for de kumon(kindergarden) interview too. MAD!!! de pay is soooo low i got shocked. comin from kumon somemore.. it was a grp interview den de "head person" yak yak yak so much. boring! i was de 1st one to leave :X every1 sat down like ding dongs waitin for interview.
i mean wld u still be there if de pay was like $4.50/hr for part time? $1k INCLUDING cpf for full time? u get to like spend $700 only LOL. plus location wise.... beauty world at upper bukit timah... mmm... nope. *Lirin rolls away as quick as possible* XD
tmr will be at republic poly for dancing. Lirin have no idea y there o_o
fold tee shirt 2 sec
How to fold a tee shirt in 2 seconds.
now i'm pretty sure u're gonna grab de nearest tee and try it hhahaa
now i'm pretty sure u're gonna grab de nearest tee and try it hhahaa
blom cukup time lg nk update my blog!!!! lgpun tak sempat nk chek internet.. ermmm, nk update citer psl EARTH HOUR ari tu pun blom sempat lg,gambar pun x upload pun.. so bila dh ada masa terluang bleh la update balik!!!
Birthday Party Etiquette
So Sunday we had my daughters birthday party she invited about 10 kids of her choosing. Most of the children I knew in one way or another, so I didn't anticipate any surprises. Boy was I wrong!
The party started at 1pm and the ids started to arrive about 5 minutes of 1. The first child to arrive was a child whose parents I had met once before at their daughters birthday party. They said their hellos and stood around a bit till some other children showed up. The mother then came to me and said what time should I pick up Amy** (**not her real name) oh 3:30 should be good I said. All the while thinking she was going to pick up her husband and her daughter. Oh no! She and her husband left! Now I am not sure about all you moms out there but I am not sure that a pool party is the best party to leave your child unattended at, maybe it's just me.
So the kids proceed to the locker room where young Amy announces she doesn't have a towel (only a cover up) and doesn't know how to swim. Ok now the thoughts in my mind are racing. These parents left their child with me whom they have only met once in passing AND their child doesn't swim??? WTF
Other parents were appalled and I must say I was too. Thankfully the pool we chose had a decent shallow end where the kids played with the dumping buckets and water geysers. But if these kids which most all knew how to swim were to have moved to deeper water that could have spelled trouble. Mind you this is a public pool with lifeguards and many many other kids.
The parents came at 3:30 to pick up their child, the child took off from the party room were in once she saw her parents and my husband rushed after her to make sure she was Ok and that her parents were truly there. He said he casually said that he was unaware that Amy couldn't swim and that they were leaving her unattended at the party. He said they both gave him this blank stare as if to say of course we would leave her.
Needless to say I have made a mental note and I will not allow Lauren to ever be unattended with them. What are your thoughts were the parents out of line or am I totally over reacting?
The party started at 1pm and the ids started to arrive about 5 minutes of 1. The first child to arrive was a child whose parents I had met once before at their daughters birthday party. They said their hellos and stood around a bit till some other children showed up. The mother then came to me and said what time should I pick up Amy** (**not her real name) oh 3:30 should be good I said. All the while thinking she was going to pick up her husband and her daughter. Oh no! She and her husband left! Now I am not sure about all you moms out there but I am not sure that a pool party is the best party to leave your child unattended at, maybe it's just me.
So the kids proceed to the locker room where young Amy announces she doesn't have a towel (only a cover up) and doesn't know how to swim. Ok now the thoughts in my mind are racing. These parents left their child with me whom they have only met once in passing AND their child doesn't swim??? WTF
Other parents were appalled and I must say I was too. Thankfully the pool we chose had a decent shallow end where the kids played with the dumping buckets and water geysers. But if these kids which most all knew how to swim were to have moved to deeper water that could have spelled trouble. Mind you this is a public pool with lifeguards and many many other kids.
The parents came at 3:30 to pick up their child, the child took off from the party room were in once she saw her parents and my husband rushed after her to make sure she was Ok and that her parents were truly there. He said he casually said that he was unaware that Amy couldn't swim and that they were leaving her unattended at the party. He said they both gave him this blank stare as if to say of course we would leave her.
Needless to say I have made a mental note and I will not allow Lauren to ever be unattended with them. What are your thoughts were the parents out of line or am I totally over reacting?
In which Alber Elbaz and I think the same thoughts
From Lisa Armstrong in the Times, today
Elbaz isn't sure: “But they say in a recession that the one thing that doesn't go down is red lipstick.” Not that baldly commercial imperatives sway him. He used red because there have been many mornings, since the sunny, colourful collection that he designed more than a year ago (the one in all the magazines now, coveted by every woman conversant with modern clothes), when he woke up, switched on the news about Gaza or another failing bank and thought, Who Needs Fashion? “But, you know, it's almost like that moment when someone is told they have a disease. Either you say, OK, let me die now, or you say, I'm going to buy a beautiful dress, I'm going to go forward and I'm going to go back to lipstick. And do you know what? A good shoe or a good dress does something to you. It's not just about fashion victims. It really does do something for all women.”
Eccentric as this might seem to those not embalmed in fashion fluid, he is on to something. In The Thoughtful Dresser, Linda Grant's new book about clothes, she recounts the almost life-saving effects on female inmates of a consignment of red lipstick mysteriously delivered the to Bergen-Belsen concentration camp shortly after the British Red Cross arrived in 1945.
Monday, March 30, 2009
confession of picturemania
Happy 7th Birthday Lauren
To my precious 7 year old daughter
Words cannot express the joy you bring to my life, you make me want to be a better person and you have taught me the true meaning of a mothers unconditional love. I hope I can lead through your childhood journey to adulthood and that you come from it a strong independent woman. I love you with all my heart and cherish the day you came into my life! Happy Birthday Lauren !
My sweet Lauren turn 7 today, we celebrated by having a pool (indoor) party for her and her friends yesterday and she had a blast, today she is celebrating with her entire class during lunch with the cupcakes I dropped off before heading to work. I am amazed each and everyday how she is growing before my eyes!
Sunday, March 29, 2009

I scanned this picture for a slide show for my sister's high school graduation.
Me and my little sister (I'm about 3 and she's 2) sitting on the stairs after my aunt (who was living with us at the time) did our hair very pretty :) Back then we looked like twins! Can you tell which is me and which is my sister?
late acne
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
How will I die? Your Result: You will die in a car accident. Please, continue to buckle up, and try not to speed. More likely than not, it will happen very randomly and quickly. Occasionally, this result stands for death in a plane crash. Do not fear transportation. Avoid becoming a hermit, you cannot escape fate. | |
You will die in a nuclear holocaust. | |
You will die while saving someone's life. | |
You will die from a terminal illness. | |
You will be murdered. | |
You will die of boredom. | |
You will die while having sex. | |
You will die in your sleep. | |
How will I die? |
Tis vid is danced by some korean dance school. Song: Nobody by Wondergirls. IT IS SO CUTE. XD ohya. de song playin now in my blog is by uverworld's new album. i love tis particular song! so click stop before watchin tis XD
LOL. saw tis review on 8days. Flight attendant rap. my gosh, i wanna ride de southwest airlines PLS!! so much fun hahaha
LOL. saw tis review on 8days. Flight attendant rap. my gosh, i wanna ride de southwest airlines PLS!! so much fun hahaha
Thursday, March 26, 2009
gala-premiere night-TALEnTIME

saya dari Manggis Production telah ditugaskan untuk mewawancara (so dahulukala..hihi) sebilangan artis2 untuk mendapatkan review mereka berkenaan filem tersebut.sebenarnya banyak je gambar, tapi saya malas nak upload.weee~
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
We're Moving!
Don't get to excited, we haven't found a house yet. I'd tell you the whole story about why we're moving, but my lovely husband likes to make fun of me for telling LONG stories.
So, to say it simply, we got the boot from our landlord before we found a house so we're moving in with my parents until we find a house to buy.
If you need our new address, send me an email:
I'd post it, but... that's personal info on the internet I don't want posted :)
Our cell numbers are staying the same.
Any questions, comments, concerns (I have plenty of my own), or suggestions on how NOT to go crazy moving in with the parents once again, don't hesitate to let me know! :)
So, to say it simply, we got the boot from our landlord before we found a house so we're moving in with my parents until we find a house to buy.
If you need our new address, send me an email:
I'd post it, but... that's personal info on the internet I don't want posted :)
Our cell numbers are staying the same.
Any questions, comments, concerns (I have plenty of my own), or suggestions on how NOT to go crazy moving in with the parents once again, don't hesitate to let me know! :)
Monday, March 23, 2009
random stuff
New Discovery :)
So, had a few seconds online, and discovered this fun little blog. Once again, don't know how I quite got to it, but I'm so glad I did! Way cute decor designs, keeping it cheap and recycling A LOT (totally my style! Bed made of door frames, computer desk from old kitchen cabinet, herb garden in old vases, I'm already there!). Check it out. Just click the link on the side of my blog, The Lettering Cottage. I'm totally refinishing my cabinets like she did hers when we find a house, except not black, that's too dark for me.
17 weeks ....Baby Number 3
The bun in my oven is cooking just as it should, however it seems I put a little too much yeast in my recipe since I gained a whopping 5lbs this month! I need to remove that feed bag from around my neck and get back on that tread mill or I will have gained 50Lbs by the end!
I was able to hear the heart beat and that always brings a huge smile to my face. So since another month has passed I will post a belly shot of me at 17 weeks.
Yup I know it is starting to really pop out there! Just think what I will look like come August!
I was able to hear the heart beat and that always brings a huge smile to my face. So since another month has passed I will post a belly shot of me at 17 weeks.
Yup I know it is starting to really pop out there! Just think what I will look like come August!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Sunday night...... getting ready for the week
The weekend flew by as it usually does, I was able to get a lot done and find some time for me which is unusual.
My college basketball brackets are kicking butt, I am number 2 in my pool of 100 people! Not bad for a chick huh? I so do love this time of year!!!!
My google reader looks like it is about to explode (724 unread blog posts), I plan to do some much needed reading tomorrow once I get back from my OBGYN/baby check up. I am sure things are fine but I always worry. Last week was a rough week for me and my blood pressure was a little elevated so I am hoping for a lower reading tomorrow.
So I am still here and I promise to visit all my bloggy friends tomorrow!
My college basketball brackets are kicking butt, I am number 2 in my pool of 100 people! Not bad for a chick huh? I so do love this time of year!!!!
My google reader looks like it is about to explode (724 unread blog posts), I plan to do some much needed reading tomorrow once I get back from my OBGYN/baby check up. I am sure things are fine but I always worry. Last week was a rough week for me and my blood pressure was a little elevated so I am hoping for a lower reading tomorrow.
So I am still here and I promise to visit all my bloggy friends tomorrow!
i do have to rethink my relation to pastells though because i am fucking loving this skirt.
insight no.3888975: never say never
check out her shop here.
love eszter
jacket:ebay,shirt:h&m,skirt babooshkaboutique,shoes:colin stuart,rings:ebay
Thursday, March 19, 2009
type of people
Living the Crazy Life!

I don't want to go to work! I don't want to make dinner! I don't want to shave my legs! I don't want to wear anything but my pajamas!
Can I please have a break? Can't I just sit on the beach and feel the sand in my toes and sun on my face? I REALLY want to go on a cruise, but do I spend the money on that or save more money towards a down-payment? I don't know! These feelings of doubt, doom, and darkness are really eating at me. So here I go to the temple!!! (without my husband, cause he's still doing a side job)
Struggling a bit......
As I have written before I have good days and bad days as far as this pregnancy goes today has been a bad one. Actually the last couple of days have been bad ones emotional not physically. Several woman who write some of the blogs I read are pregnant one lost her baby on Monday and another had a pretty scary 24 hours after a Dr. sent her for tests, thankfully all seems to be going well for her now. Last night a friend who I used to be very close to lost her baby at almost 19 weeks.
I am struggling today because she and I have not been close for quite some time for many reasons some selfish, some not. She recently reached out to me via one of the many social networking sites out there to say hi and say she was happy to see that I was doing well. We exchanged some emails back and forth and she shared with me that she was pregnant with her first, and I shared with her I also was pregnant. She was very excited to start a family and seemed genuinely excited and happy for me as well. She was due 3 weeks before me. We had not exchanged emails since as I don't think either of us was ready or in some respects willing to rekindle the friendship that once was. We were jsut contenet in touching base.
Last night she emailed me the news that she and her husband had lost the baby and my heart broke. I know the heartache of miscarriage but I can't begin to understand the heartache of losing a child this far along in a pregnancy.
I responded the only way I knew how by saying how sorry I was for her loss but I can't help but feel I should do more. As I said I used to be very close to this person and as time went on we grew apart. I just hate to see people in pain and the pain of losing a child seems far to great. I pray that her family and close friends embrace her and I will try my best to do what I can from afar.
I am struggling today because she and I have not been close for quite some time for many reasons some selfish, some not. She recently reached out to me via one of the many social networking sites out there to say hi and say she was happy to see that I was doing well. We exchanged some emails back and forth and she shared with me that she was pregnant with her first, and I shared with her I also was pregnant. She was very excited to start a family and seemed genuinely excited and happy for me as well. She was due 3 weeks before me. We had not exchanged emails since as I don't think either of us was ready or in some respects willing to rekindle the friendship that once was. We were jsut contenet in touching base.
Last night she emailed me the news that she and her husband had lost the baby and my heart broke. I know the heartache of miscarriage but I can't begin to understand the heartache of losing a child this far along in a pregnancy.
I responded the only way I knew how by saying how sorry I was for her loss but I can't help but feel I should do more. As I said I used to be very close to this person and as time went on we grew apart. I just hate to see people in pain and the pain of losing a child seems far to great. I pray that her family and close friends embrace her and I will try my best to do what I can from afar.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
left2right: Ice, Alicia, Karen, Fion, Honey and Lirin (i'm holding princess!! =D) 
Class photo. Ricky almost lost his foot literally in bike accident hence de wheechair. (can u spot me?) neckless! haha lol~ Photo credit to Ice.

Yvoone's extremly pretty condo. water is everywhere!! hopefully i can get de grp pics and evrythin. Jerelyn's doggie Princess. a cake to celebrate sunny's i dunno wat. yea and alot of tings hahaa

some random stuff. my lenses are here! (wanted nudy voilet but no degree T_T so chose blue.) and de 2 packs of "shaking" chips. both taste like normal wasabi or seaweed chips. like only 1% hint of salmon or unagi taste @_@ lol~
so lazy to blog these days... *smacks Lirin* busy with dance but still lookin for job T_T~!! part time nurse or teacher? LOL
we are all performing art.

saya betul2 rindukan zaman belajar.
saya rindukan stadium.
saya rindukan lorong/terowong gelap nak ke kelas.
saya rindukan cafeteria dekat parking.
saya rindukan zaman naik bas uitm bersempit2.
saya rindukan suasana pagi2 bersiap nak ke kelas dengan temulawak masing2 kat tangan.
saya rindukan suasana selerak setiap kali buat assignment last minute.
saya rindukan suasana kelas.
saya rindukan pensyarah2 saya.
saya rindukan kawan2 saya.
saya rindu shah alam.
saya rindukan fakulti seni persembahan, stadium seksyen 13.