Friday, May 30, 2008
Friday Hodge Podge!
Thanks to all of you who set Questions I will answers some or all of them further down in this post so keep reading.
School is winding down and with that comes a ton of activities, I feel like I need a wife just to keep up with all that is going on. It is so hard for me to believe that my first born has completed Kindergarten! She is reading and doing math and on her way to becoming quiet the student. She is looking forward to the School talent show in 2 weeks where she will be singing A few of my favorite things from The Sound of music. (yes kids still watch movies like that at least mine do) then she has her class party and it is Hello Summer!
Work has been going well, I had another meeting yesterday with the CEO, CFO and COO they have given me the green light to move forward and I am super excited about what that will be to the future of my division and this company. For those of you that don’t know I am very driven and a goal of mine has been to get this project up and off the ground and it looks like it is going to happen.
This weekend we are headed to NJ for a Bridal shower for the bride who is having that Swanky Black Tie Wedding in late June, I am not really looking forward to going this weekend but it will be nice for the kids to see their Aunt,Uncle and Grandparents as well as some other family. However as I was driving home yesterday I realized that I will not have had a free weekend in 5weeks I am booked up till the 21st of June How freaking crazy is that!!!!!
My Goddaughter Allie and her mom are doing great! I can’t wait to go see her as I am sure she will have changed by the time I get over there. Aren’t new babies the best!
So on to the answers to some questions
Nap Warden Asked ...
Why did you start blogging? I originally started this blog as a release of sorts. I was very down and felt as though I was negative all the time. I thought that by write my thoughts I might find a way to work through them along the way a fellow blogger emailed me and shared her personal story which lead me to a solution of sorts for what I was feeling at the time. Because of that one blogger I felt the need to continue to write about life so I could find other common bonds with people and hopefully help a few myself along the way.
What is your favorite food? Give me some pasta and I am as happy as a pig in poop!!! Mexican is a close second
If you could take a vacation tom., where would you go? Turks and cacaos I need a nice relaxing beach vacation
What is your dream job? To be CEO of a large corporation, I know big dreams to fufill but I have confidence that I will get there.
Poltzie asked…
I'd like to know what is holding you back from having another baby? Leave it to the new mom to ask this question! Just kidding, I would love to have another baby however I am not getting any younger (35) and my husband is 42, plus I worry that the kids will not have the same bond with a third child as they do with each other because they are close in age. If I were to get pregnant today there would be 7 years between Lauren and her sibling which might be ok if we had a boy but I am not sure it would be great if we had a girl. I know I over think to much!!! Honestly I think fear holds me back what that fear is I don’t know but it is there along with the age thing.
Kristen asked…..
What is your favorite pair of shoes and why? My flip flops! I really don’t like wearing shoes, if I could find a way to make flip flops the shoe of choice I would. The first thing I do whenI get ome is kick off my shoes now that might be because I wear heels all the time but in general I am not a huge shoe person so flip flops do me fine.
Elaine A. asked...
Here's my question, pizza or burgers? This says a lot about someone you know. ; )
Oh I think I’m afraid to answer this one because I am not sure what either of these will say about me. But I would have to go with pizza, so tell me Elaine A what does that say about me?
WORKING MOM asked...
Questions???I've got to think on that one. Just talk, list facts, put up some pics, if you dare. Ok I am working ont his one but I will answer it in the coming Hodge Podge posts.
So that is all from now but please keep you questions coming, I like them and just like April and Tranny Head I am a comment whore too, so send more questions!!!
Have a great weekend and I will see you all upon my return from the swanky bridal shower!!
Commercial break
Thursday, May 29, 2008
UK Vogue: The Ageless style issue
Farewell, I might be some time.
Yet another reason not to buy cheap clothes
Or so I thought.
“Disposability has caused an explosion of problems,” says Dr Lucy Norris, the co-curator of a new exhibition at the Horniman Museum in south London, which traces the odyssey of clothes dumped in Oxfam clothing banks and charity shops. “Clothing is now given in such huge quantities to British charities that they can’t sell it all in the shops. The volume is increasing, while the quality is decreasing.”
For charities to get a return on our tat, most of it is exported. But if you had visions of your old treasures being parachuted into Burma as aid, think again. Charities don’t give clothes away, they sell them. “It takes too long to ship things to disaster areas, and to air-freight them is too expensive,” says Rob McNeil of Oxfam.
Instead, the clothes end up in eastern Europe, Africa and Asia, where they are either sold whole or organised into great colour- coded mounds, as in Panipat, north India, then shredded, pulped and respun into what is known as “shoddy” yarn (recycled wool) and made into cheap blankets.
. . .
The problem is that much of what is donated is synthetic, which is the most difficult to recycle; cotton is also expensive to reuse. The easiest textile to recycle is wool, but the demise of knitwear over the past 15 years has seen the “shoddy” industry suffer. And while donation bins are being stuffed with synthetics, charity shops are struggling to stay competitive with the likes of £3 jeans.
Now that our castoffs are being shipped halfway around the world, what about the environment? Do the benefits of recycling outweigh the carbon cost of shipping? Oxfam hasn’t assessed that: the environmental benefit is only part of the story — cash is the rest. And it’s a difficult area. Second-hand clothing exports can damage the local garment trade — from 1985 to 1992, 51 out of 72 Zambian clothing firms closed, partly due to foreign competition. “If we sent stuff to where there is already a second-hand clothing market, it could undercut that industry,” says McNeil.
You really should read the rest.'s been a while
1. Favorite Person - Hmm hubby is too obvious, I would say my boss he is a great man.
2. Favorite Food - Pasta any Pasta.
3. Quirks about you - I can't relax till everything is in it's place so if I come into the family room and it is a mess I have to pick it u before I sit down. OCD to the max I guess.
4. How would the person who loves you most describe you in ten words or less? She is fun, loveable dependable, goal oriented and a great wife. OK so that is 11 oh well.
5. Any regrets in life? I don't have enough time to write this and you would be bored reading it.
6. Favorite charity/cause: I have many, Red Cross and Organ donation would be my top 2.
7. Favorite Blog: Too many to count and I have different ones for different topics.
8. Something you can't get enough of? Time with my husband.
9. Worst job you ever had? Working at the indoor pools in the winters I always smelled like chlorine.
10. What job would you pay NOT to have? Fast food worker
11. If you could be a fly on the wall anywhere, where would it be? In board rooms of the top 100 Companies.
12. Favorite Bible Verse/Quote: Psalms 56:3 "When I am afraid I will trust in you" Ditto Courtney
13. Guilty pleasure: A big bowl of Ice cream
14. Got any confessions? least none I want to share.
15. If you had $1000 to spend on YOURSELF, what would you spend it on? A great day at the spa!!!!
16. Favorite thing about your house? Everything, it is my dream house and I couldn't be happier.
17. Least favorite thing: We don't have much of a backyard
18. One thing you are bad at: Singing.
19. If you could change on thing about your current circumstances what would it be? I would have started to have kids when I was younger.
20. Who would you like to meet someday? Jack Walsh who was a former CEO of GE, I would love to pick his business brain.
21. What makes you feel sexy? This is horrible but since becoming a mom and being with Dan for almost 12 years sometimes I feel like a shell of my old young self so I feel sexy when a man gives me a second look, makes me feel like "hey I still got it!”
22. Who is your real life hero? My husband he loves my unconditional and is an outstanding cheerleader when I am working towards something important in my life.
23. What is the hardest part of your job? When I have to travel and I am away from the family, the first night is ok the second I can deal by the third I am itching to get home. 24. When are you most relaxed? About day 2 of vacation as long as vacation is not in my house. When we go to the beach each year I am in heaven after about 20 min there.
25. What stresses you out? Some days the wind blowing can stress me others I am as cool as a cucumber. So as you can see the range of things is large.
26. What can you NOT live without? My family of course and my Ipod
27. Do you agree or disagree with the recent article that reported that blogs are authored by narcissists? Disagree.
28. Why do you blog? I blog because it allows me to have a place of my own, also I love the friendships that I have made.
29. Who are you tagging? Amy Michelle Stephanie Laskigal
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Doing the vamp
A film is released today which stars four female characters all in their forties. One hits her fiftieth birthday during the action. The actress who plays her is 51. The other actresses really are in their forties, not 23 year olds with prosthetics. It was its female audience which made Sex in the City, not studio executives. Women of all ages watched it. It contains a character which I don't think had ever been seen on screen before, the single, financially independent vamp.
Kim Cattrall has her number:
But is her vamp persona realistic at the the age of 51? "It depends on where you live," says Cattrall. And on what you look like. "It also depends on your financial security. She's a very successful woman, and she takes care of herself."
The vamp understands the power of her sexuality. She gets the idea that it's not just looks, hormones, but the manipulation of a whole appearance through clothes, scent, jewels. This role has usually been taken by the mistress, the manhunter (think Rita Hayworth in Gilda), occasionally by those with inherited wealth. The potency of the single, sucessful city-dweller who insists on taking her pleasure on her own terms is a new creation.
Not of course one than many of us can emulate, but in an age of the sixty-something Harrison Ford reprising Indiana Jones, we at long last have the older women come to centre stage, at least in fiction. Good.
Taking a breather
Springtime palace
spotted: two ladies in hanboks (korean national dress) hurrying out of the palace grounds. i fought the urge to shout "jang geum! jang geum!" after them. check out the teenager with the visor -- just goes to show you can never start your skincare regimen too early.
i found the palace to be a mix of chinese epic-scale grandiosity and japanese serenity. it really was quite tranquil. the mountains behind the palace make you feel like you've gone back in time, until you turn to face the entrance and see all the skyscrapers just outside the main gate.
kick-ass pagoda-type building is the national folk museum, which was closed by the time i got there. fortunately there was lots to see (and snap) on the museum grounds. like the cutest stick-your-head-in-for-a-photo standee ever! and i mean ever!
one of the signs on the mini exhibits outside the museum. i thought it looked totally out of this century with the misty mountains and trees in the backdrop. this sign could say "toilet" or "atm" for all i know.
a small section of the grounds in front of the museum held a collection of these old stone totems used to ward off evil. they look to me almost like modern cartoons, or very graphic depictions of grumpy neighbors and evil aunties.
upon exiting the palace grounds, i promptly got lost. i spent an hour walking the palace's perimeter walls in search of the metro station i had come from, which is equivalent to the amount of time i spent inside the palace. bummerrrr.
interesting walk, though. the most bizarre thing about it was the troops and troops of police in full riot gear at every street corner. and i mean every street corner. i was too whacked out by the sight of all those policemen to even take a picture. a lot of them seemed really young, which puzzled me till i found out korean men are required to do army service in their youth. upon comparing notes with marlon, the mystery of the myriad policemen was solved: a military exercise was scheduled in the city for 2-230pm the next day, during which hotel guests were advised to stay indoors. scary.
there were other, less paranoia-inducing sights, however. the area around the palace has interesting little artsy cafes and galleries. i actually found i didn't mind getting lost, because i never would have caught the sneaky surprises tucked into quiet alleyways like this.
the walls held a small collection of gorgeous stenciled graffiti, like this protest-themed piece of art...
...and, tadaaaah! a classic miss universe coronation moment! i truly fell in love. the person who can identify which beauty queen is being crowned gets a prize from me! i wonder what underlying theme led to this graffiti. let me guess: "world peace!"
you know you're in an artsy neighborhood when you peek around a corner and see a giant spotted pear. or is it a pumpkin?
a man with an earpiece and wearing a dark suit stopped me in front of a building where there seemed to be an abnormally high concentration of policemen. i turned his suspicion to my advantage and asked for directions to the nearest metro station; he obliged and gently shooed me away (what was in that building, i wonder?). just as well, i thought -- miss universe graffiti and giant pears are fun, but my feet were really starting to hurt.
Happened ard 3pm if i'm not wrong till (i have to go out at 4pm). i'm so scared of ghosts @_@! so dark and scary @_@~~!!
met up wif Tama. "wah laooo dun take my pic can or not!" =( he's pissed. i'm PISSED. cuz i can't take pic wif him till like 3 yrs later? INSENSITIVE ARSE BAKA. =\ i wanna take a pic wif u...ate at subway. student meal! wee~
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Into the dark
This rather muddled piece on credit-crunch chic takes its cue from the M&S A/W08 range which was had its press show last week. It seems to think that we'll all be buying colour and pattern because black is too depressing and we'll need to cheer ourselves up.
It's talking about style-conscious women who have been buying a mix of Primark, Zara and some designer labels. Will they now cut the designers? I'm not a trend-spotter and I can't speak of what others might do, but the credit crunch (and it has had knock-on effects on me) means that I can no longer afford to buy disposable clothing. Stopping and thinking, asking if this will last more than a season, has now become instinctive.
On the other hand, do I want to be wearing the same black jacket for the next seven years at every party? I don't go to huge numbers of parties, but I do go to several, and wearing the same thing every time makes me feel like when I come in people think, 'There she is, in her jacket.'
Smile corner
'There is a real vulgarity in the way women dress at the moment," purrs Roberto Cavalli, stubbing out his cigarette in a turtle-shaped gold ashtray and reaching into his green, lizard-skin manbag for a cigar. "They show off too much and try too hard. They don't understand where the line is between sexy and vulgar. I know where that line is."
I expected many things from the 64-year-old Italian designer - lover of leopard-print and creator of red-carpet dresses that stay up against all the laws of physics - but not this. Remember the slashed, lime chiffon number worn by Victoria Beckham to her own Full Length and Fabulous ball?
There are many words to describe it: understated is not one of them. But then we are in Cavalli world - a floating parallel universe where the senses are assaulted by a frenzy of satiny animal prints, gilt, mahogany and orchids.
and on and on, a pleasure to read
Metro mishaps
the hotel i'm staying at, the renaissance seoul, is located in gangnam, the business district south of the river. all the streets look like ayala avenue, but extremely wide and festooned with coffee shops. the first thing i learned about my street is that the nearest metro station, yeoksam, was a convenient five-minute walk from the hotel. what i learned when i started walking was that it was majorly uphill.
Ten on Tuesday....nope!
The weekend was great but it went way to fast and I feel as though I over booked myself. You tell me if you think I did.
Friday after work I had book club starting at 7:30 which lasted till 11:45pm We picked our new book called Nineteen Minutes don't know much about it, but I think it will be good.
Saturday was haircuts day then off to see Magin and baby Allie; as you can see Lauren was very excited to hold her.
Saturday at 6pm hubby and I went out to dinner and returned at 10pm exhausted.
Sunday woke up early do to my nervous energy so I ran 3 miles and got my weight work out in, then packed a lunch for the boys who were going flying in a Cessna (the source of my nervous energy)
Once they took off at 10am, Lauren and I baked our booty's off take a look. The cake was for a picnic the next day, the cookies were for the kids and the neighbors and the Monkey bread was for us. That stuff is addictive.
Then off to see my mom for a couple of hours; on the way home I stopped by the grocery store to pick up some stuff to make a salad for our neighborhood dinner. Dinner started at 5:30 and wrapped up around 11pm. Actually dinner wrapped up about 7 but the drinks continued till 11pm :)
Monday we got up and laid around till about 10:30 then headed to a friends BBQ about an hour away and spent all day there, we didn't get home till 9:30pm the kids were beat and so were we. But they had a good time don't you think?
So that was my weekend! How was yours????
Monday, May 26, 2008
What are these people on about?
You can no longer always tell what you are looking at," said Liz Walker, executive fashion editor at Marie Claire. "A winter fashion show may have no coats or sweaters, and the only thing that reminds you it's a summer show is if you see a girl in bikini."It's definitely to do with climate change. Ten years ago you knew you were going to have to shoot coats and sweaters in Russia or Iceland, but nobody wants those clothes anymore.
First glimpses
First impressions
Some ebay items
You can see the listings for each item here:
Anya Hindmarch Cooper
Anya Hindmarch Whistler
Nicole Farhi navy swing jacket
Please note, none of these items have been infested by moths, but a Brora green cashmere cardie was.
wish u'll stop lying...
The small adventures of Pee Pee!
Pee Pee being hugged by dollfie!
Pee Pee doing pull ups!
Pee Pee trying to upskirt me!
oh no! Pee pee is homosexual.. *He molests Tama's tits*
*Tama smacks Pee Pee* anddd..... Pee Pee's angry...
haha... i guess..
sometimes.... wait no. all the times, i find dat i am such an idoit. a moron. a sensitive f*#ker. i tink it's been like a thousand time i tell myself: stop. stop. stop. it's in de past rite? den y? WHY? why m i still pondering over de past. but i'm not totally to be blamed thou.. for de recent episode... I HATE BEING LIED AT. stop lying to me. STOP lying to me. i hate it. which is 1 of de reason y i'm like tis. u always say u'll do it and then u never. why can't u just take it seriously, GET IT DONE and over with! den i'll be at ease. SO MUCH at ease. i really dun understand u. is keeping dat f*#king toy more important or keepin me? why say u do it when u never at all? F*#K! and soooo much other tings. argh. when can u just... sigh. nvm. all u can do is "orh" "ok" but nv do it. hate it man. =_=. ahhhhhh... watever. i just can't forget. u just made it worse only. nvm. so wat's de solution? i guess it's up to me den. to forget. forget.. Lirin.. forget. and y wld i "s_ra_c_" for her? PLS. u're so dumb at times. smarter den me but oh so dumb... i did it for MY pain. i handle tings tis way. ahh... ANGRY. just wanna let it out here. i feel so pissed. I WISH I WAS NOT BORN AT ALL. i mean every word i've said. how many times have i said it already.. even in my old blog.
sigh. it's just ranting ok? i promise i'll forget.
I REALLY WISH I WAS NOT BORN AT ALL. life is just bull shit. total bull shit.
i wish.. u wld stop lying to me.
See how a lazy person smears goo on her face. an absolute mess haha (smells like sweet jelly & i badly wanted to lick it off :X)
went PS.
From Marks&Spenser. Triple chocolate cereal! WOW. i've yet to try it.(it's wif Tama:3) anddd... yummy choc digestive biscuits!! XD i wish his hair back =(
i feel so black. LOL.
anyway~ check out my nx entry =)))
Tis the season for ......Open Toed Shoes
I admit it. I like to pamper myself. I get a manicure and pedicure every two weeks. I love this time of year because I actually get to "expose" my lovely toes after a pedicure. I have a lot of adorable open-toed shoes that I like to wear with one of my many sassy outfits :)
As a member of the Faux Paux Sisterhood, I pledge to follow The Rules when I
wear sandals and other open-toe shoes:
* I promise to always wear sandals that fit. My toes will not hang over and touch the ground, nor will my heels spill over the backs. And the sides and tops of my feet will not pudge out between the straps.
* I will go polish-free or vow to keep the polish fresh, intact and chip-free. I will not cheat and just touch up my big toe.
* I will sand down any mounds of skin before they turn hard and yellow.
* I will shave the hairs off my big toe.
* I won't wear pantyhose even if my misinformed girlfriend, coworker, mother, or sister tells me the toe seam really will stay under my toes if I tuck it there.
* If a strap breaks, I won't duct-tape, pin, glue or tuck it back into place hoping it will stay put. I will get my shoe fixed or toss it.
* I will not live in corn denial; rather I will lean on my good friend Dr. Scholl's if my feet need him.
* I will take my toe ring off toward the end of the day if my toes swell and begin to look like Vienna sausages.
* I will promise if I wear flip flops, that I will ensure they actually flip and flop, making the correct noise while walking and I will swear NOT to slide or drag my feet while wearing them.
* I will promise to throw away any white/off-white sandals that show signs of wear...nothing is tackier than dirty white sandals.