heck! wat da hell am i doing? ahahaha

heyy~ look at my freak face! i so wanna slap me self. nya hah!

Couple bear Tama bought for his parents~ and Tama wif his dingdong face desu. hahaa

COME ON! together: AWWW~~~ my sweet sweet lil baby
Dita. still de naughty shit she is. XD
okay! so like Xmas is comin tmr huh.. and only tis entry did i mention bout xmas! why is dat so? maybe cuz i'm pretty down! wee har. =_= ok nvm. so like... i stayed home today. ARGH freakin retarded mofaggot. i hate stayin home.
cuz 1) i tend to tink ALOT. 2) dun like being lonely. 3) i might do implusive things......
.............................like for example!
i just dyed my hair! HAHA. and it was on de spot decision. lalala~ (i've got free hair dye products anyway =\ who wans? i've extras.)
mmm.. HAPPY YES I AM! takes my mind off tings too and i really like de color~ but totally not acceptable by sch. darn darn darn it. (althou it's still a lil dark coloured for me :X) will show u guys pic another time.
aye~ i can't slp now. @_@~ heh. met up wif Elie sis one of de days, met Farhan ytd. Had a BIG fight wif my sweet heart. *-*
so... xmas is comin.. a season of joy.. more like shit to me for tis yr. xmas is a day where ppl start enjoyin instead of workin their arses off. m i right? HELL YES. a day where u spend quality time wif family&frens. s'pore shld suspend workin for a day on xmas. hpmh! (selfish Lirin) so my dear readers whom i know reads but does not tag, take time off. no matter how much dat deadline is gettin closer, no matter how hectic work is, 1 DAY definetly won't kill.
it's not like u wld die wld u? come on! xmas~~ helloooo. *takes santa's sweet red ass and hits everyone* but of course, girls do be careful if u're celebratin in town. u might get molested~ and STAY OFF illegal spray cans! de police security are gettin tighter. their gonna check ur bag blablabla. read de news dearies! =)
wish u guys MERRY XMAS yar! lovelove.
why am i not infused with the chirstmas spirit? i wan my puddins and candy canes.